An abstract representation of a female narcissist's mind

Decoding the Mind: Understanding the Attraction Triggers of Female Narcissists

TL;DR: To captivate a female narcissist, showcase high status, and lavish her with flattery. Make her the center of attention.

Female narcissists are drawn to partners who boost their ego and offer luxurious experiences. They also seek partners who exhibit submissiveness.

They thrive on social media validationmanipulating relationships, and being perceived as superior.

Engaging in mind games and emotional manipulation also turns them on. This reinforces their control and power.

Understanding these dynamics is crucial for navigating relationships with female narcissists. They prioritize their needs and admiration above all.

Curious about what turns on a female narcissist? A female narcissist is typically turned on by power, attention, and admiration.

These individuals have an excessive need for validation and thrive on being the center of attention. They are attracted to partners who can fuel their egos and constantly shower them with praise and adoration.

Additionally, female narcissists are often drawn to individuals who possess wealth, status, or influence, as these attributes further enhance their image.

10 Things Revealing What Turns On a Female Narcissist

1. Regular Flattery

Female narcissists have distinct characteristics and behaviors that set them apart from their male counterparts. Understanding what turns on a female narcissist can help identify and navigate relationships with them. Female narcissists often exhibit manipulative and self-centered tendencies.

Traits/ActionsWhat Excites Female Narcissists?
Constant admirationThey thrive on attention and validation from others. They crave compliments, flattery, and recognition for their achievements.
Control over othersThey enjoy being in charge and making decisions for everyone involved. They want to feel superior and powerful.
Exploiting weaknessesThey take advantage of people’s vulnerabilities to gain power over them. They may use emotional manipulation or gaslighting techniques.
Material possessionsThey value external appearances and use material wealth as a way to boost their self-esteem. They seek partners who can provide luxurious gifts or financial stability.
Dominant partnerThey prefer partners who are submissive or easily influenced. They enjoy having the upper hand and being in control of the relationship dynamics.

2. Discussing Herself

The truth is, everyone enjoys talking about themselves. Even if you’re not a narcissist, studies have shown that it’s often our favorite topic.

According to Psychology Today, research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reveals that:

When we talk about ourselves, certain areas of our brain associated with value and motivation light up. It’s like when we eat delicious food, take drugs, or even have sex – talking about ourselves gives us a similar pleasurable feeling.

It’s no surprise then that female narcissists are even more self-obsessed and love to talk about themselves.

Narcissists, in general, make everything about themselves. So if you want to turn on a female narcissist, you need to go along with their “me show.” They’ll quickly lose interest if you try to share the spotlight with them.

Instead, they prefer it when you take a back seat and let them be the center of attention. The more interested you seem in every little thing they say and do, the more flattered they’ll feel.

To keep a female narcissist engaged, you should attentively listen as she talks about herself and ask plenty of questions that show your fascination and desire to know more about her. This will make her feel important and valued.

Remember, feeding into her self-obsession is the key to keeping her interested in the conversation.

3. Maintaining Control

The main game that all narcissists play is about taking control. It’s how they feel powerful. They want power and respect.

To feel respected, they need to feel powerful first. That’s why they like telling you what to do. To them, other people are like puppets on a string. They think you’re there to do things for them.

If you show her that you’re willing to do what she wants, she’ll feel important. But if you don’t, she’ll feel disrespected.

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One way to make a female narcissist happy and excited is to make her believe that she has control over the relationship. For example, if you let her have her way and give in to her even in small things, she will feel like she’s in charge.

4. High Status

Narcissists are obsessed with how they look and how others see them. They care a lot about their status, even when it comes to dating someone.

They always want to be with someone who makes them feel important and boosts their social image. That’s why guys who have a strong social status are more attractive to female narcissists. These guys have something that the narcissist wants, like money, power, respect, or physical strength.

But it’s not just about those things, it’s also about the way a guy carries himself and gives off an air of status. It’s like this cool and confident vibe that they have, which is sometimes called “swagger”.

And here’s the thing, a narcissist doesn’t want a guy who is desperate or too easy to win over. They want someone who presents themselves as a catch. That’s what relationship expert Kate Spring explains in her free video. She teaches guys how to tap into the signals they give off to women and make themselves seem more important.

Because women are naturally attracted to certain signals, and if a guy can show those signals, he becomes more appealing to any woman, including narcissists.

So if you want to learn more about what turns on a female narcissist, I recommend checking out Kate Spring’s free video. It’s worth a few minutes of your time.

5. Public Displays

One surprising thing about narcissists is that they want to impress others. They can be very good at charming people, especially when they want something from them.

In the beginning, they use charm as a tool to make you fall for them. A female narcissist wants you to adore her, so she will do and say things just to win your favor. But remember, it’s still all about her, not you.

She wants to be the center of attention and loves it when you flatter her. Bragging, boasting, and showing off are things that turn her on. This applies both inside and outside the bedroom. It’s like she’s putting on a show and she expects to be recognized for it.

When it comes to being intimate with a female narcissist, what she wants can vary from woman to woman. But one thing is for sure – she wants it to be all about her needs. So if you want to turn her on, ask her what she likes.

In general, she wants to hear that she is the best lover you have ever had. She wants you to stroke her ego and make her feel like she’s the most amazing person in bed. She wants no doubt in her mind that she blows your mind and is a real firecracker.

So, if you find yourself with a female narcissist, be prepared to give her lots of attention and praise. Make sure everything revolves around her and make her feel like the

6. Manipulative Games

Female narcissists tend to have tumultuous and unstable relationships. They may engage in love-bombing at the beginning of a relationship, followed by devaluation and discard phases. Female narcissists often struggle with maintaining long-term relationships due to their self-centered nature.

Manipulative TacticsDescription
GaslightingThe narcissist makes you doubt your sanity.
Love BombingThe narcissist showers you with affection to gain your trust.
Ignoring and GhostingOnce they have you hooked, the narcissist starts ignoring and ghosting you, leaving you confused and hurt.
Punishment and RevengeIf challenged or criticized, the narcissist ensures you suffer the consequences.
Guilt TrippingThe narcissist makes you feel responsible for their actions or emotions.
TriangulationThe narcissist pits people against each other to create drama and maintain control.
Mind GamesThe narcissist plays with your emotions and messes with your head, alternating between being loving and distant.
Flirting SkillsThe narcissist uses top-notch flirting skills to draw you in, making you feel special and desired.
Abusive CycleThe narcissist repeats patterns of idealization, devaluation, and discard, leaving you emotionally exhausted and questioning your worth.

7. Being Wanted and Needed

The deep dark secret that narcissists hide is that they are very insecure. They can’t handle feeling vulnerable.

Because they lack true self-esteem, they try to find it from others. However, this becomes a problem because it’s never enough for them. They want to feel wanted and needed more than anyone else. Being second best is not acceptable to them.

To feel special, a female narcissist may look for someone dependent on her, which is called “narcissistic supply” in psychology. This is because narcissists have an insecure attachment style.

According to Psych Central, people with narcissism often experience interpersonal abuse or trauma during their early childhood, which causes them to learn survival skills in relationships based on a barter system instead of healthy human connection skills.

Narcissistic supply is like payment given by others to be in a relationship with a narcissist. To turn a narcissist on, she wants to feel like she is the center of your world.

8. Lavish Gifts

If you want to understand what turns on a female narcissist, it’s important to recognize the signs early on. One key aspect is that they feel validated by material things.

They love receiving gifts, from flowers to expensive jewelry, because it reinforces their self-importance. However, it’s not just about the gift itself; it’s also about the gesture behind it. The worthiness, care, and importance they perceive in the act of giving.

Female narcissists are often status-obsessed, so they appreciate lavish gifts that showcase their elevated social standing. It’s not just about the price tag; it’s about the thought and effort put into selecting a gift that aligns with their desires and aspirations.

They are turned on by attention, and surprise them with show-off items can be a surefire way to capture their interest.

It’s important to note that female narcissists are not solely focused on material possessions. While they do enjoy receiving gifts, it’s the underlying message of admiration and adoration that truly fuels their self-importance. They thrive on being the center of attention and feeling desired.

Understanding what turns on a female narcissist can help you navigate your interactions with them more effectively.

9. Your Compliance

As I mentioned before, female narcissists are not fond of guys who are easily influenced and agree with everything they say. They dislike pushovers because it doesn’t give them the satisfaction of a challenge.

The true essence of conquering someone lies in overcoming a battle or obstacle. That’s why female narcissists enjoy having things their way and convincing guys to do what they want. It gives them a sense of power and control over the situation.

Interestingly, if you dare to say no to a female narcissist, it becomes even more exciting for her to try and persuade you to agree, especially when she knows you are not willing.

This is why partners of narcissists often feel like they are being coerced or bullied into doing things they don’t want to do.

10. Escapism

Female narcissists create their little world where they believe they are the Queen Bee. They pretend to wear the crown and find pleasure in living in this illusion.

They will do anything to impress you, even going as far as lying about where they live, work, or study. They will tell you elaborate stories about their family life and past to gain control over you.

In addition, they may also enjoy fantasizing in the bedroom as a way to strengthen the self-image they want to project and maintain.

Female narcissist seeking admiration through charm.

In Summary: The Draws of the Female Narcissist

If you want to catch the eye of a female narcissist and keep her interested, there are a few things you can do.

First, it’s important to be a bit of a challenge. Show her that you have a high status and make her believe that you are someone worth pursuing. This can make her more intrigued by you and want to keep your attention.

Another way to get a female narcissist interested is by flattering her. Compliment her and make her feel good about herself. This will boost her ego and make her enjoy being around you.

Additionally, it’s important to validate her feelings and opinions. Show her that you value what she has to say and that you understand her perspective.

Being patient is also key when dealing with a female narcissist. They can be controlling and demanding at times, so it’s important to be patient and understanding. Show her that you are willing to put up with her behavior and that you are committed to making the relationship work.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I identify a female narcissist?

A female narcissist can be identified by her excessive need for admiration, lack of empathy, sense of entitlement, and manipulation tactics. Look for signs of grandiosity, self-centeredness, and an inability to handle criticism or accept responsibility for her actions.

What traits attract a female narcissist?

Female narcissists are often attracted to individuals who can provide them with constant validation and attention. They may seek partners who are successful, influential or have high social status. Those who are empathetic and easily manipulated may also be appealing to a female narcissist.

Can a relationship with a female narcissist be healthy?

Maintaining a healthy relationship with a female narcissist is challenging due to their self-centered nature and lack of empathy. Their constant need for admiration and control can lead to emotional manipulation and abuse. It is advisable to prioritize your well-being by setting boundaries or seeking professional help if needed.

How do I protect myself from a female narcissist?

To protect yourself from a female narcissist, it’s important to establish strong personal boundaries and maintain your independence. Recognize manipulative behaviors, trust your instincts, and avoid getting entangled in their web of control. Seek support from trusted friends or professionals who can guide difficult situations.

Can a female narcissist change her behavior?

While anyone can change their behavior with dedication and therapy, the likelihood of significant changes in a female narcissist’s behavior is relatively low. Narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by deeply ingrained patterns that are resistant to change. It’s crucial to manage expectations when dealing with someone exhibiting such traits.

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